My husband and I worked hard this evening to set up Samba’s recovery room for when she comes home tomorrow. We blocked off the guest bed with the mattresses standing upright, and made her a little cave to rest in. We lined part of the room with a tarp under a runner rug to serve as a mess-proof pathway to her modified litter box. I elevated her bowls, finished off her onesies, and set out a basin of lickable foods I hope she likes. I still need to go grab some frozen peas to use as her ice pack, and maybe some broth. Did any of your kitties drink broth? Also, I need to bring in a mattress for myself to sleep on. I know I will want to be very near to her.
It is almost as if I’m nesting for a newborn baby, and some of you have endorsed this as a similar type of adjustment period!
Sister cat, Sassy the Aggressor, approves.